2025 Spring Sports Schedules

2025 Spring Sports Schedules:

Palestine - Wheatley High School is proud to announce this week's Seniors of the Week.
Congratulations Seniors!


Informative School Choice Night

4th grade Gifted and Talented Student Enrichment Beyond the Classroom-January 31, 2025

Congratulations to Palestine - Wheatley High School students who received EACC Academic Recognitions.
UAEACC Chancellor's List
Hannah Huskey, Sr.
Kailey Mitchell, Sr.
Dylan Vaughn, 9th
Remy Vondran, So.
UAEACC Dean's List
Eva Davis, Jr.
Joshua Hemme, So.
Joshua Hobson, Sr.
Aidan Holman, Sr.
Hallie Hooker, Sr.
Alyson Lee, So.
Maci PAdgett, Sr.
Allison Pickett, Jr.
Maxwell Wilburn, So.

Palestine - Wheatley High School is proud to announce this week's Seniors of the Week.
Congratulations Seniors!

Tonight's basketball game at KIPP Delta has been canceled. We will post on the district FACEBOOK page when a rescheduled date has been confirmed.

Palestine - Wheatley School District will be closed Tuesday, January 21st. due to snow and road conditions.

21st Century tutoring has been canceled for Thursday, January 9, 2025.

Attention Patriot Families:
Meeting on Safety & Lockdown Procedures
We invite all parents to join us to review our updated safety and lockdown procedures. Your participation is important to ensure we are all informed and prepared.
Meeting Details: Date: Monday, November 18
📍 Location: High School Cafeteria
🕔 Times:
First Session: 5:30 PM
Second Session: 6:30 PM
We are offering two sessions to accommodate various schedules, so please attend whichever time works best for you.

Palestine - Wheatley Elementary School 6th Grade Science Projects

Homecoming Week Activities

More from 21st Century Tutoring

Adventures from today's 21st Century Tutoring

Today Palestine - Wheatley Elementary School kicked off the 21st Century Tutoring Program. Tutoring will take place on Mondays from 7:30am - 12:00 pm, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm, per Casey Herron, Program Director.
Students worked on science, learned about flies, how they see and eat and made Venus fly traps. They worked on math, reading, made pet rocks and discussed what their habitats would be, things the rock could do, eat, and activities.
We are so ecstatic about the addition of this program to our district and seeing the growth in student learning.

The Palestine - Wheatley High School FFA has been hard at work this year with their pumpkin patch. All of their hard work has paid off, the pumpkins have been picked and are ready for sale. Pumpkin prices are as follows:
1 for $5.00
10 for $45.00
25 for $100.00
All proceeds go to support PWHS FFA.

Just a reminder that PWES Parent Teacher Conferences are scheduled for tomorrow, beginning at 5:00 p.m.

May we never forget September 11, 2001.